
Showing posts from February, 2018


Perhaps it is not surprise for a refugee to utter words like Protection, Distribution, Care everyday. Why people discuss resettlement issues is a question of utmost importance. Ask yourself this “If you were given an opportunity to live in a developed country, what will be your reaction?” Sorry!   but only a person who has been a refugee for more than twenty years, someone who has lost everything in his home country,   someone who doesn’t have freedom of movement or someone who is in a cage   can feel it. Hey think of it, Dadaab is the largest refugee camp in the world currently but who knows what the residents’ situation is….. Life is beautiful in the refugees if you look at from the angle of peace, free education, food and water supply, not to mention resettlement to a third country. After all UNHCR is there to provide everything to the refugees but always there is that untold story. Remember when your Facebook profile says “Current city : Nairobi”. The ...

Malik Bin Dinar and the Thief

A burglar scaled the wall of Maalik Bin Dinar's house one night and easily managed to get inside. Once inside the house, the thief was disappointed to see nothing worth stealing. Maalik was busy performing prayer. Realizing he was not alone, he quickly ended his prayer and turned around to face the thief. Without showing any signs of shock or scare, Maalik calmly extended greetings of peace and said, "My brother, may Allah forgive you. You entered my home and found nothing worth taking, yet I do not want you to leave without taking away some benefit." He went in another room and came back with a jug full of water. He looked into the eyes of the burglar and said, "Make ablution and perform two units of prayer, for if you do so, you will leave my home with a greater treasure than you had initially sought." Humbled by Maalik's manners and words, the thief said, "Yes, that is a generous offer indeed." After making ablution and performing...

Wisdom of Iyas Ibn Muawiyah

A man came to Iyas Ibn Mu'awiyah, a Muslim judge famous for his wisdom, and the following conversation took place between them: Man: What is the Islamic ruling regarding wine? Judge: It is Haram (Forbidden). Man: How about water? Judge: It is Halal (Permissible). Man: How about dates and grapes? Judge: They are Halal. Man: Why is it that all these ingredients are Halal, and yet when you combine them, they become Haram? The judge looked at the man and said: If I hit you with this handful of dirt, do you think it would hurt you? Man: It would not. Judge: How about if I hit you with this handful of straw? Man: It would not hurt me. Judge: How about a handful of water? Man: It surely would not hurt me. Judge: How about if I mix them, and let them dry to become a brick, and then hit you with it, would it hurt you? Man: It would hurt me and might even kill me! Judge: The same reasoning applies to what you asked me!! Iyas Ibn Muawiyah Al-Muzani was a tabi'i Qadi (judge) in the 2nd ce...